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The Layers of the Amazon Rainforest - Diagram and Information

 This page will be talking about more information about the layers of a rainforest. Each layer all have their own qualities and are different from other layers. Below is a diagram of the 5 different types of layers in a rainforest and some information about each layer. 

The Emergent Layer

  The emergent layer is where tall trees break through the layer below it, the canopy layer. These trees that beak through can be as tall as skyscrapers! These trees are grow on thin trunks and are similar to the shape of umbrellas.


 Since these trees get the most sunlight, they will also have to face the hot sunlight and strong winds. Luckily for them, they have think and waxy leaves to protect themselves.

 On the emergent layer many types of birds, butterflies and insects can be found on it. These animals can also be found on the canopy layer.

The Canopy

  The canopy layer is the most busiest layer out of all of the layers. The trees can grow up to 30.48 metres high, covering the other layers of the forest below like an umbrella or canopy (which is why it is named as the 'canopy layer'). On this layer there are many leaves, fruits, and flowers as food provided for the animals that live on the canopy layer.

 The leaves that are on plants in the canopy layer are pointed, so when the rain comes the rain drops on the leaves roll off the tips of the leaves. The rain drops help the leaves keep them dry and avoid them from mold. 


The Understorey

  Around halfway down the tallest trees of the emergent layer is the understorey layer. It is very humid and moist which are good for the animals that live on the understorey layer. The trees that reach this height contain reserves of coal in their trunks. 

The Shrub Layer

  The shrub layer is sometimes thought to be a part of the understorey layer. This layer is between the understorey and the forest floor, just 8 metres high. The plants in this layer are highly important as they can help with medical treatments for the native people. 

The Forest Floor

  On the forest floor there is only a very small amount of sunlight (around 2% of what the emergent layer gets!), so it is a very dark place to be in. Fungus helps to take the nutrients out from the leaves on the ground back into the soil. These nutrients are then absorbed by the trees' roots and continues on and on as a cycle. The dark and moist climate is perfect for the animals the live on the forest floor.

(c) Aimmaya Chan. Into the Amazon. All rights reserved. 2013. - LAYERS PAGE.

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