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 'Into the Amazon' - ITA for short - is a school project made by Aimmaya, a primary student. I have made sure that ALL of the information is accurate and detailed to the best of my knowledge. I will try my best to put the information into my own words and make it easy to understand for all ages.

 ITA talks about the Amazon's environment (animals, plants, its layers, and people). On every page will have simple and detailed paragraphs about the Amazon's environment. In every paragraph there are always facts so read every paragraph to learn new things if you want to!

 That is all I'll have to tell you so you can go and explore ITA. I hope you learn some new interesting facts about the Amazon!

About 'Into the Amazon (ITA)'

The Different Layers of the Rainforest

 Have a look at this simple diagram telling you where the different layers of the rainforest are. If you would like to know more information about these layers, go to the 'LAYERS' page. 

(c) Aimmaya Chan. Into the Amazon. All rights reserved. 2013. - ABOUT PAGE

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